Irrespective of what Hindu kids are told we have, they will discover later that that all the beliefs they have heard and been taught about, everything about the Ten Commandments…
Read moreColonial Consciousness and Sanskrit Concepts
1. Many are concerned that English translations of some words from native languages distort their meaning. If we restrict ourselves to terms like ‘Deva’, ‘Dharma’ and such like, the worry…
Read moreAre Brahmins ‘priests’?
I do not have a theory of meaning. I do not know which of the many fragmentary theories of meaning I should choose from and why. Even though I acknowledge…
Read moreWhat is Colonial Consciousness?
Colonial consciousness incorporates the following element: in making statements about the colonized, the colonizer thinks that he is describing the colonizer. The latter, for his part, takes such statements as…
Read moreHow Indian reformers understood Protestant Reformation?
In the second half of the nineteenth century, some western-educated, Bombay intellectuals came together in the Prarthana Samaj (inspired by Keshub Sunder Sen of the Brahmo Samaj). Perhaps the best…
Read moreAristotle
What Aristotle is doing in my piece on the Indian traditions? He is doing many things actually. 1. His presence is a continuation of my argument that the Antiquity (Greeks…
Read moreWhat is ethical about pursuit of happiness (Ananda)
Here is what I say in my article on ‘how to speak for the Indian traditions’: “Our middle-aged man is, thus, raising the question of Aristotle.”I have pursued many things…
Read moreExistential Questions
If we want to speak about the meaning of human existence, at least one condition has to be met: such an existence (from birth to death at least) must embody…
Read moreDoes Justice belong to ethical domain?
1. In “An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals”, David Hume, the philosopher of the Scottish Enlightenment, raises a question, which has always been one of the basic concerns of…
Read moreWhat is normative about Corruption being a hindrance to development?
While translating Russell L. Ackoff, you say that such a translation is “not a moral judgment now, but a statement about the state of the economy”. But your claim, according…
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